Please find information below on Shevuot services at Magain David.
Services are only possible thanks to your contributions, so please take a moment and click the button to the right to donate, or send a contribution to: 351 Fourth Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94118. |
Shevuot schedule
First Day of Shevuot
(At Magain David) Tuesday Evening, May 30th Arvit begins at 11pm. Tikkun Leil Shevuot begins after 11pm and will continue until Shacharit at dawn, approximately 4:45am. Wednesday, May 31st The second shacharit will be held beginning at 9:30am. |
Second Day Of Shevuot
(At Congregation Anshey Sfard, 1500 Clement) Wednesday, May 31st Mincha and Arvit begin at 7:30pm at Congregation Anshey Sfard. Thursday, June 5th Shacharit begins at 9:15am at Congregation Anshey Sfard. |